« L’intelligence collective dès la conception du produit… » Chloé Julien, CEO et Co-Fondatrice, de BandSquare Frédéric HermelinFrédéric a accompagné les entrepreneurs Tech français, dans leur implantation au UK, pour le compte du gouvernement britannique pendant 15 ans. Il incarne aujourd’hui une expérience unique de Storytelling / Production de Contenu vidéo. Véritable […]
Xavier Niel
« Avec TravauxLib, le BTP c’est beau, le BTP c’est sexy… » Matthieu Burin, CEO et Co-Fondateur, de TravauxLib Frédéric HermelinFrédéric a accompagné les entrepreneurs Tech français, dans leur implantation au UK, pour le compte du gouvernement britannique pendant 15 ans. Il incarne aujourd’hui une expérience unique de Storytelling / Production de Contenu […]
Of Beninese origin, Bertin Nahum was born in 1969 in Senegal and grew up in France. It is during his studies at the National Institute of Applied Sciences (INSA Lyon, France) that he affirms his vocation: At the end of my studies, I was involved in the development of a […]
Marc Rougier is a repeat entrepreneur of the digital economy. Currently co-founder and president of Scoop.it, the leading publishing-by-curation platform for professionals and businesses, he specializes in early stage, Intellectual Property-strong ventures with international potential. He has co-founded 4 start-ups (including Meiosys, a software vendor in the virtualization space, acquired […]
Paris born, serial web entrepreneur Mathieu Nouzareth is CEO of FreshPlanet, the New York-based developer of the highly-popular social mobile game SongPop, the turn-by-turn, simulated real-time play game for music lovers that has built a global following of : [typography font= »Cantarell » size= »24″ size_format= »px »]Over 80 million players since its launch in […]
Lengow, l’une des 3 pépites nantaises ! Self-educated, Mickael Froger started his career in the Internet sector by joining M6 group in 1999, taking part in the development of the first web portals in France. After spending several years in large groups such as Lagardère – with Europe […]