How do you say "Entrepreneur" in French?
How do you say "Entrepreneur" in French?

Mathieu Nouzareth, Co-founder & CEO, FreshPlanet


Paris born, serial web entrepreneur Mathieu Nouzareth is CEO of FreshPlanet, the New York-based developer of the highly-popular social mobile game SongPop, the turn-by-turn, simulated real-time play game for music lovers that has built a global following of :

[typography font= »Cantarell » size= »24″ size_format= »px »]Over 80 million players since its launch in June 2012 ! [/typography]

Mathieu Nouzareth began his career in 1995 at 23 by co-founding WebConcept, one of France’s first e-business consulting firms. WebConcept was sold to Sweden’s IconMedialab in 1999, and remains one of the largest Internet consultancy companies in the world.

From 1999 to 2001, Mathieu acted as CEO of IconMedialab France. In 2001, Mathieu and his brother Romain started, a digital game distribution company. Operating in over 30 countries with a staff of 180, the company was sold to Nexway (France) in 2008 and is currently one of the world’s leading game distribution platforms.

In 2006, the Nouzareth brothers founded Is Cool Entertainment, the social casual game publisher which is now listed on the NYSE-Alternext market (ALIS) and has become one of [highlight]Europe’s largest Facebook game developers[/highlight].

In 2009, Mathieu moved to New York where he and Romain founded the game company FreshPlanet, where Mathieu currently acts as CEO. Mathieu is a graduate of the Grenoble School of Management and holds an MBA from Pace University in New York. He is a frequent panelist at tech conferences such as LeWeb Paris, CES Las Vegas, GDC or CrunchUp.

[quote]It is a real pleasure to welcome Mathieu on Frenchy ![/quote]

[typography font= »Cantarell » size= »24″ size_format= »px »]Operating from New-York, Mathieu is surely among our Top Ambassadors of the French Tech and The French Touch ![/typography]

The French talent and creativity have always been highly recognised in the Gaming industry and now the Social Gaming is clearly one the most growing trend :

[quote]We are very proud that Mathieu, one of our Frenchy serial entrepreneurs can with FreshPlanet surf on that successful wave along side the Russian and Scandinavian giants ![/quote]



Frenchy : [quote]Your favorite word ?[/quote]

Mathieu :

[typography font= »Cantarell » size= »24″ size_format= »px »]Manivelle[/typography]

Frenchy : [quote]What would you change if you had a magic wand ?[/quote]
Mathieu :

Death !

Frenchy : [quote]What is your favorite quote ?[/quote]
Mathieu :

It is not the critic who counts: not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles or where the doer of deeds could have done better…The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who errs and comes up short again and again, because there is no effort without error or shortcoming, but who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, who spends himself for a worthy cause ; who, at the best, knows, in the end, the triumph of high achievement, and who, at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who knew neither victory nor defeat.

Theodore Roosevelt
« Citizenship in a Republic, »
Speech at the Sorbonne, Paris, April 23, 1910

Frenchy : [quote]What could seduce you immediately ?[/quote]
Mathieu :

Intelligence !

Frenchy : [quote]What is, according to you, the secret of happiness ?[/quote]
Mathieu :

[typography font= »Cantarell » size= »24″ size_format= »px »]Live in the moment… [/typography]

(I wish I could do that!)

Frenchy : [quote]If you were a dessert ?[/quote]
Mathieu :

Mille Feuilles

Frenchy : [quote]What in your day to day life remains so French/American ?[/quote]
Mathieu :

[highlight]French:[/highlight] Read Le Monde every morning
[highlight]American:[/highlight] Big breakfast, turning into a vegetarian

Frenchy : [quote]What do you enjoy the most in the US/Fr way of life ?[/quote]
Mathieu :

Freedom !

Frenchy : [quote]One thing where American/French people are particularly good at that you would like to develop yourself ?[/quote]
Mathieu :

[highlight]American:[/highlight] Confidence, Team player, Communication
[highlight]French:[/highlight] Rational thinking, Academics

Frenchy : [quote]In the US, failing is seen as the first step to be successful later, how to bring such a state of mind in France ?[/quote]
Mathieu :

[typography font= »Cantarell » size= »24″ size_format= »px »]More conference like The FrenchTouch ! [/typography]
Become a Protestant country

Frenchy : [quote]What is it to be a French/American guy in the US/Fr ? Could you tell us a specific anecdote that happened to you ?[/quote]
Mathieu :

You are not tally American and no longer 100% French.

Frenchy : [quote]A French / European GAFA (Google, Apple, Facebook, Amazon) could be possible if…?[/quote]
Mathieu :

[typography font= »Cantarell » size= »24″ size_format= »px »]Change in culture and values ;[/typography]
[typography font= »Cantarell » size= »24″ size_format= »px »]More unified market in Europe ;[/typography]
[typography font= »Cantarell » size= »24″ size_format= »px »]Big exits so that VC can take more risks…[/typography]

Frenchy : [quote]Who are the 3 entrepreneurs who most inspire you ?[/quote]
Mathieu :

[typography font= »Cantarell » size= »24″ size_format= »px »]Steve Jobs[/typography]
[typography font= »Cantarell » size= »24″ size_format= »px »]Elon Musk[/typography]
[typography font= »Cantarell » size= »24″ size_format= »px »]Xavier Niel[/typography]

Frenchy : [quote]The 3 most promising French/US start-ups, top of your head ?[/quote]
Mathieu :

[typography font= »Cantarell » size= »24″ size_format= »px »]Uber[/typography]
[typography font= »Cantarell » size= »24″ size_format= »px »]General Fusion[/typography]
[typography font= »Cantarell » size= »24″ size_format= »px »]FitBit[/typography]

Frenchy : [quote]According to you, what is the French touch ?[/quote]
Mathieu :

[typography font= »Cantarell » size= »24″ size_format= »px »]Combining a creative approach and technical approach…[/typography]


[quote] Merci Mathieu ![/quote]


More About Mathieu :

– Interview BFM Business

– Interview FrenchWeb

– In TechCrunch


About FreshPlanet :

FreshPlanet has quickly become the leading social and mobile game developer/publisher in New York City. Their social music trivia game has become an overnight international hit, with tens of millions of players spending hundreds of thousands hours testing their friends’ mastery of endless musical genres. FreshPlanet was honored to have SongPop chosen as the best online game of 2013 by BAFTA’s prestigious British Academy Games Awards.

FreshPlanet is on Facebook and Twitter.




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